Monday, June 21, 2010

The Adventures of Bat Ted Chapter 3

On Sunday it is my Bat Teds birthday. He is having a cake. He is six years old. He is having a teddy cake.

The Adventures of Bat Ted Chapter 2

On the weekend Bat Ted went to the beach. He brought his boat with him. Ted hopped on his boat. Ted went out to the deep. He caught a yellow fin tuna. Ted saw a shark. Ted did not know the kind it was.
By Harry

The Adventures of Bat Ted - chpt 1

If I was Super Ted I would be a bear. When bad guys shoot me I would die and I would come alive again. I live in a jet plane. I would eat meat and fruit and fish fat and vegetables. My real name is... Can you guess what my real name is? Bat Ted! I can breath under water. I have a submarine too. It is awesome. I have a big TV and Play Station. I have a gun.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Wacky Hair Day

Lots of children in Super Six joined in on Wacky hair day to help raise money for the Haiti earthquake victims. Over $200 was raised. We had fun and we looked super wacky.

Geometry Fun

We explored shapes and used them to create pictures. We can name the shapes and use the language of geometry to name them. Ask us how many corners, edges and sides a shape has.

Friday, May 21, 2010

The Kiwi Ranger Pictures

Pete Graham is the Dad of one of the Super Six kids and he came in to talk to us about his work as a Kiwi Ranger. The children really enjoyed his visit. They learnt that Kiwi feathers are really soft, how trained Kiwi dogs help Rangers do their work, what threats to Kiwi are and what they can do about it. Below are some of the pictures Pete shared with us. We have added the captions.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Below are some picltures of the actual class visit by Pete the Kiwi Ranger. The children got to touch a stuffed Kiwi and Stoat, hold a Kiwi egg filled with wax and to meet Mana and Rua the two trained Kiwi dogs.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Finn H catches a Fish

Finn went fishing at Easter and caught some snapper. He is very proud of his fish. I hope you take Mrs Hayman fishing because I never catch any.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Harry's Writing

In February I went to my Nana and Granddads batch at the beach. Granddads boat was there. There were kayaks. I caught a baby snapper. We let it go. We stayed on the boat for the night. It was fun. The next day my granddad caught a ray. Next we went back to shore and we went kayaking. When we went home I went to bed at 5 o'clock because I was so tired. I slept with my clothes on. I had no tea. It was funny when I got up in the morning. I already had my clothes on!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Harry's Learns to Make a Photo Story

Harry has been learning to take his own pictures and to use them to make a photo story. This is his first attempt.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Alice's writing (Yr 2)

My brother George caught a big fish. This is Stella my dog. Her collar is too small.