Sunday, June 14, 2009

Geometry Fun!

Leon and Gregs Shark Mural

Wow! Such enthusiasm for our Shark literacy topic. Leon and Greg got together after school and created this shark mural. Fantastic cooperative learning boys.

Greg's Shark Poster

Congratulations Greg on your homework poster. You have done an excellent job or drawing your sharks and showing them in their natural environment. You have also researched some interesting facts. Well done!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Amazing Ariah

When I was a shark I got caught in a net and the people caught me. They took one of my fins and then they threw me back into the water.

Jelly Jade

I am going to Rotorua. It is stinky but I've never been there. Once my dad said my brother fall asleep in the car and when he woke up he said "Poohy, who farted?"

Fabulous Finn

In the weekend I went to the Warehouse and I got a new schoolbag. Then I went to the beach and I went snorkelling and I got some pipis.

Kind Kristel

In the weekend I went to the shop and we bought some new clothes. I like my cardigan the best.

Great Garth

One day I will have a party at my house and I will have goody bags and I will have treats.

Marvellous Mathew

In the weekend I went fishing and I saw a whale shark. It was big and I touched it and I went snorkelling. I caught a crayfish. It was big!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Emma's Writing

Queen's Birthday Weekend
On Queen's Birthday Weekend Madison came over to play. We got to hold the bunnies, then we got to have a large chocolate cookie that my Dad made. We had juice and popcorn too. We had my sister's big bunny out and some little bunnies too. We laughed and we laughed with the baby bunnies. We loved it so much that we laughed harder than ever. I liked it.

Willow's Writing

Queen's Birthday Weekend
On the Queen's birthday I found out that I am going to Malaysia on the 8th of June. I am going tramping and we might see that monkey that was looking in the camera on room 6's activ board. We are going to a place called turtle island and we get to see the turtles lay their eggs and their eggs hatch. I don't know how long I will be there for though.

Ethan's Writing

Queens Birthday Weekend
In the weekend I went to the zoo. I saw the monkeys. The monkeys smacked their bottoms.

Monday, June 1, 2009


We made frog puppets and created role plays for them. We gave our frogs names and made up stories about them. We told these stories to each other using our puppets.
It was frogtastic fun!