Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Lily T's New Puppy

Lily brought her adorable puppy to school for a visit.  It was so cute.  The funniest thing was that the puppy really liked playing.  The puppy chased Jack G around and around the table until Jack jumped up on the table top to get out of it's way.  Thank you Lily for sharing your new puppy with us.

PJ Breakfast Party!!!

We had a PJ party in rooms 6 and 7 because we had earnt our marble jar treat.  We decided that we would have breakfast as well because that linked to our healthy eating unit and well as our Zero Waste Lunchbox unit. 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Zero Waste Lunch Boxes

For the past two weeks we have been learning about zero waste lunch boxes.  we collected all of our rubbish from one week and sorted it into piles.  We graphed our results.  The most rubbish we had was Glad-wrap.  The next biggest pile we had was chippie wrappers. 
We want to be the best class at reducing our rubbish.  We talked about eating fresh and healthy to help reduce our rubbish.  We talked about using containers to put our food into instead of gladwrap.  We talked about having cool lunchboxes with lots of compartments. We talked about buying in bulk which not only saves rubbish but also money!!!
Thanks to Anna Murphy from Zero Waste for coming in and helping us.
thanks also to the families that are helping us.  We already have several children who have Zero Waste in their lunchboxes.  Outstanding.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Harold the giraffe from the Life Education Trust

Harold the Giraffe came to visit Glenbervie School.  We told him all about foods for energy and foods.  We know foods that we need to eat everyday, only sometimes or only as a snack.  Thanks Harold!  We had lots of fun.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Ry Eats a Rainbow

Ry has been an inspiration during our healthy eating unit.  He eats an entire rainbow of colours just about everyday.  Ry knows that lots of colours means he is getting a balanced diet with lots of nutrients.  He knows that a balanced diet gives him energy to think, learn, play and grow.  Way to go Ry!!!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Our First ABL session

Today we had our first try at ABL.  Activity Based Learning encourages us to co-operate and manage our selves.  It encourages us to be creative and to problem solve.  It also lets us apply what we are learning in lots of different ways.  We did pretty well. The fruit and vege shop group are ready to expand into a cafe.  The dough group found it hard to cooperate and work sensibly in the art bay.  The design a healthy lunch box group came up with lots of creative ideas and they planned some delicous lunches.  The mobile group found it quite hard so we will make some changes tomorrow.  They wanted to have more choices and to be able to be more creative. 
The children will rotate to their next activity tomorrow and they will be encouraged to learn from the advice given by today's groups.  Some of the questions we think about at the end of a session are: What worked well? What didn't work well? What advice would I give to the next group? What did I learn by doing this activity? If I was to do this again what would I do differently?
We hope you enjoy looking at our photos.

Healthy Eating = ABL (Activity Based Learning

Eat a Rainbow - Green Monday

Check out the healthy green foods we had in our lunch boxes today.  Lots of us dressed up in green as well and we looked very calm and!!!